
My Humana Flora series uses floriograhy, an enigmatic and effusive form of communication, as its base because nature has a language the transcends culture, race, religion, and geography.  In these times of of climatic tumult, adaptation, and survival, there is much to learn from an immersion into the natural world.  By communication through nature, we regain our connection with nature.  

Each piece has an inherent meaning told through the choice and placement of the flowers portrayed.  The flowers, painted using the age old tradition of glazing, float on a base of abstraction - the meeting of reality and the abstract, as in life.


I am a Bay Area painter working primarily in oils. I move the pigments across the canvas with my hands, no brushes, focusing on light and building atmosphere layer by layer.
My influences are Rothko, Turner, and the Hudson River School of painters. While these may seem like odd bedfellows, they all inform my work equally. It is the power of emoBon they can evoke in the simplest of forms. The Hudson River School painters understood place, in its most ephemeral and atmospheric sense. With inspiraBon from Rothko, I seek a separaBon of space and color as the backdrop, loving the someBmes gentle, someBmes not so gentle vibraBon that comes from shiMing hues and values within a color space, puNng colors in conversaBon with each other. From Turner I strive to emulate his strong sense of movement and emoBon.